Tag: Personalia

Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Georg Pfeiler

Researcher of the Month: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georg Pfeiler


We would like to congratulate our colleague Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georg Pfeiler for the title “Researcher of the Month”, which was awarded to him by the Medical University of Vienna in the current issue of its magazine “MedUnique people” 01/March 2024.

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ABCSG-Präsident Prof. Michael Gnant zählt 2022 erneut zum Who is Who der globalen akademischen Forschungselite

ABCSG President Prof. Michael Gnant in 2022 once again among the who’s who of the global academic research elite


For the third time already, Austria’s internationally renowned cancer researcher Professor Michael Gnant, MD, FACS, FEBS has been named as one of the worldwide “Highly Cited Researchers 2022”.

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